<!-- OPML generated by RSS Point (http://rsspoint.topindex.cz) -->
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<title>RSS Point (my feeds)</title>
<dateCreated>po, 10 V 2004 00:48:48 GMT+01:00</dateCreated>
<outline title="Technika">
<outline title="Programujeme web">
<outline title="A day in the life of the Huminity Team" description="" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://blog.huminity.com/xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=5" htmlUrl="http://blog.huminity.com/index.php" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="A List Apart: for people who make websites" description="Web design news, info, and insights since 1995. CSS layout, XHTML, usability, accessibility. Designing with web standards. ISSN: 1534-0295." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.alistapart.com/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.alistapart.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="All Your Web - Webmaster Blog" description="All Your Web RSS Feed" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.mallasch.com/web/backend.php" htmlUrl="http://www.mallasch.com/web/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="An Architect's View" description="Thoughts from the Director of Architecture in IT at Macromedia on: ColdFusion MX, Rich Internet Applications, software design... and neat CFMX hacks!" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.corfield.org/blog/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.corfield.org/blog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Blue Plaid Shirt: Full Posts" description="Every once in a great while a website comes along that is so revolutionary, it changes the way we think about the Internet. This is not one of those sites." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.blueplaidshirt.com/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.blueplaidshirt.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld ASP News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,602,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Web Development News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,600,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Web Site Management News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,259,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Green Head Watercooler" description="Get to know the Green Head Crew and discuss the latest news, movies, trends, deals, happenings, cool things and more.Take a Break...Head to the Green Head Watercooler" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.2rss.com/atom2rss.php?atom=http://www.thegreenhead.com/watercooler/ghwc.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.thegreenhead.com/watercooler/index.php" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Groove.net Weblog" description="News and Commentary from Groove Networks" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.groove.net/blog/rss.cfm" htmlUrl="http://www.groove.net/blog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="ITPapers.com - Recent Web Development & Design White Papers" description="Recent Web Development & Design White Papers Added to ITPapers.com" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.itpapers.com/xml/RSS-194.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.itpapers.com/search.aspx?scid=194&tag=rss&promo=100112" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="JD on MX" description="A news service for people using Macromedia MX. Not quite daily -- focus is on news you can use. I'm employed by Macromedia but views are my own." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/jd/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/jd/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Macromedia Weblogs - Christian Cantrell" description="Christian Cantrell's Perspective brings you news, resources and information on ColdFusion and Java from the Macromedia Server Community Manager." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/cantrell/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/cantrell/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="mesh on mx" description="News, resources, info and links on everything Flash from a Macromedia Product Manager for Developer Relations." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/mesh/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.markme.com/mesh/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="PHPBuilder.com Newest Help Forum Posts" description="Newest Help Forum Posts On PHPBuilder.com" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.phpbuilder.com/rss_feed.php?type=coding&limit=20" htmlUrl="http://phpbuilder.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="PHPBuilder.com Newest Help Forum Posts" description="Newest Help Forum Posts On PHPBuilder.com" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.phpbuilder.com/rss_feed.php?type=general&limit=20" htmlUrl="http://phpbuilder.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="php-scripts.com TDavid's Diary" description="How-to discussion on completing web tasks using php with freeware example scripts, tips and tutorials" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.php-scripts.com/syndicate/diary.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.php-scripts.com/php_diary/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Search Engine Lowdown" description="Search engine news blog and seo news feed with daily updates on search engine marketing issues. Keep track of Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines while keeping up to date with latest SEO news. All search engine commentary, industry analysis and SEO news are uploaded by search engine analyst Andy Beal. Contact us with your SEO news." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.searchenginelowdown.com/rss/seo_news_feed" htmlUrl="http://www.searchenginelowdown.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Sherbert Interactive" description="A series of articles on Information Architecture, Design, Development and Internet standards from Sherbert Interactive of Beverly, Massachusetts" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.sherbertia.com/articles/si_rss.php" htmlUrl="http://www.sherbertia.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Sjoerd Visscher's weblog" description="Pondering those web technologies that may change the future of the world wide web." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://w3future.com/weblog/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://w3future.com/weblog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Team Remote ASP Debugger - JavaScript Debugger VBscript Debugger for ASP" description="Team Remote ASP Debugger enables your team to easily edit and debug Active Server Pages (ASP) remotely and locally. JavaScript and VBScript debugging is fully supported for simple and complex local, remote and team remote debugging scenarios." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.RemoteDebugger.com/trad-rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.remotedebugger.com/default.asp" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Tomalak's Realm" description="Daily links to strategic Web design news from Lawrence Lee" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://static.userland.com/tomalak/links2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.tomalak.org/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Web Design References: Site Update" description="Web design and development news and information. Advocate of accessibility, usability, web standards and many related topics. Until next time - Laura Carlson" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.d.umn.edu/itss/support/Training/Online/webdesign/webdesign.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.d.umn.edu/itss/support/Training/Online/webdesign/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Web Services Journal Latest Articles" description="The latest articles from Web Services Journal" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.sys-con.com/webservices/feed.rss" htmlUrl="http://sys-con.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="WebmasterWorld" description="News and Discussion for the Independent Web Professional" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.webmasterworld.com/index.rss" htmlUrl="http://www.webmasterworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="ASblog" description="ASblog, informace ze sveta Macromedia FlashMX a ActionScript" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.poly-comp.com/ASblog/rss.php" htmlUrl="http://www.poly-comp.com/ASblog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Ben Forta's Blog" description="ColdFusion, Java, Web Services, and whatever else tickles my fancy." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.forta.com/blog/rss.cfm?mode=full" htmlUrl="http://www.forta.com/blog/index.cfm" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Delphi and InterBase Links" description="Places of interest to Delphi and InterBase developers" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://delphi.weblogs.com/xml/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://delphi.weblogs.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Google Blogoscoped" description="Google, the World, and the World Wide Web, Weblogged" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://blog.outer-court.com/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://blog.outer-court.com/index.html" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Java blog - blog o Jav∞" description="Blog o Jav∞: novinky, zajφmavosti, zkuÜenosti a post°ehy" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.neo.cz/~tomas/java.blog/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.neo.cz/~tomas/java.blog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="java blog jAbLoK" description="Blog o programovßnφ v jazyce Java s durazem na serverovΘ aplikace; souvisejφcφ zprßvy ze sv∞ta" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.jablok.cz/jablok-rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.jablok.cz/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Java.Net - zkuÜenosti, novinky a zajφmavosti o programovacφch jazycφch Java a C#" description="Blog o Jav∞: novinky, zajφmavosti, zkuÜenosti a post°ehy" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://neo.cz/~tomas/java.net/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.neo.cz/~tomas/java.blog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Java.Net - zkuÜenosti, novinky a zajφmavosti o programovacφch jazycφch Java a C#" description="Blog o Jav∞: novinky, zajφmavosti, zkuÜenosti a post°ehy" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.neo.cz/~tomas/java.net/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.neo.cz/~tomas/java.blog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="JavaBoutique" description="The Java Boutique is a collection of java applets, games, scripts, and tutorials. Learn programming and download free java applets and source code. You can also find news about java and jini." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://javaboutique.internet.com/articles.rdf" htmlUrl="http://javaboutique.internet.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="JavaScript.com/JavaScriptSource.com channel" description="JavaScript.com is your gateway to all things JavaScript. Featuring JavaScript tutorials, free scripts, tools, and links and more! This channel features content from JavaScriptSource.com." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.javascript.com/jss.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.javascript.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Oracle JDeveloper News" description="The latest news and information related to Oracle JDeveloper" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://otn.oracle.com/products/jdev/jdeveloper_news.xml" htmlUrl="http://otn.oracle.com/products/jdev" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Oracle Technology Network: Technical Articles for Developers" description="Developer Technical Articles currently appearing on OTN" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://otn.oracle.com/syndication/rss_otn_dev.xml" htmlUrl="http://otn.oracle.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Phil Bradley's Blog" description="For librarians and people interested in search engines, searching the net, design issues and general whitterings and rants." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.philb.com/blog/philb_rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.philb.com/blog/blogger.html" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" description="The PHP scripting language web site" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.php.net/news.rss" htmlUrl="http://www.php.net/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: Web Tier: Servlets, JSP, Web Frameworks Forum" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-servletsjsp-rss2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Web Mender" description="An incessant whine on web design." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://webmender.com/index.xml" htmlUrl="http://webmender.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Web Pages That Suck -- Examples of Bad Web Design" description="These are the Daily Suckers -- Examples of Bad Web Design -- from WebPagesThatSuck.com. I couldn't predict every new sucky design technique that would come along when I wrote the book because there's always a new way to do something bad. This page will keep you up-to-date. Live examples. My definition of "daily" is "whenever I'm in the mood."" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/dailysucker/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/dailysucker/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Web Standards Project BUZZ" description="The Buzz: the Web Standards Project Weblog. Fighting for standards that ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.webstandards.org/buzz/buzz.xml" htmlUrl="http://webstandards.org/buzz/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="WebDeveloper.com" description="Where Web Developers and Designers Learn how to Build Web Sites." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.webdeveloper.com/webdeveloper.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.webdeveloper.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Weblog MraveniÜt∞" description="Weblog o webu pro p°em²ÜlivΘ tv∙rce a sprßvce webovΘho obsahu" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.mraveniste.org/weblog/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.mraveniste.org/weblog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Webmonkey" description="A How-to Guide for Web Developers" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/meta/headlines.rdf" htmlUrl="http://r.hotwired.com/r/hw_wm_r_mynscp/http://www.webmonkey.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="WebReference News" description="Daily news, views, and how-tos on all aspects of web design and development. Features free web-based tools, open source scripts, and in-depth tutorials on DHTML, HTML, JavaScript, 3D, Graphics, XML, and Design for webmasters." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.webreference.com/webreference.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.webreference.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Wehlou: Code, Mathematics and books" description="Math, computing and medicine, out among the cows" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.wehlou.com/index.rss" htmlUrl="http://www.wehlou.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Yuh∙∙v weblog o webu" description="O tvorb∞, ·dr₧b∞ a zlepÜovßnφ internetov²ch strßnek" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://jakpsatweb.cz/weblog/yuhu_weblog.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/weblog/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Java">
<outline title="About Focus on Java" description="Focus on Java" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://z.about.com/6/g/java/b/index.xml" htmlUrl="http://java.about.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="About Focus on Java" description="Focus on Java" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://z.about.com/6/g/java/b/index.rdf" htmlUrl="http://java.about.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Blogging Roller" description="Dave Johnson on Roller, software development, Java, blogging, and other random nonsense." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.rollerweblogger.org/rss/roller?catname=Java" htmlUrl="http://www.rollerweblogger.org/page/roller" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="James Gosling: on the Java road..." description="I've been inescapably tagged as "the Java guy", despite the fact that I havn't worked in the Java product organization for a couple of years (I do still kibbitz). These days I'm the CTO of Sun's..." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://today.java.net/jag/blog.rss" htmlUrl="http://today.java.net/jag/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="java.sun.com" description="java.sun.com is the premier source of information about the Java platform." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://servlet.java.sun.com/syndication/rss_java_highlights-oreilly-20.xml" htmlUrl="http://java.sun.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="java.sun.com" description="The definitive resource for developers seeking to create, test, certify, and market Java mobility applications." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://servlet.java.sun.com/syndication/rss_wireless_highlights-oreilly-20.xml" htmlUrl="http://developers.sun.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="JSF Central - Your JavaServer Faces Community - Articles & Books" description="JSFCentral.com - Articles, books, and tutorials about JavaServer Faces." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.jsfcentral.com/reading/jsfcentral_reading.rss" htmlUrl="http://www.jsfcentral.com/reading/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="NetBeans News Highlights" description="A selection of news highlights, current newsletters and featured articles from netbeans.org, opensource IDE and application backplane." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.netbeans.org/rss-091.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.netbeans.org/index.html" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="O'Reilly Network ONJava.com" description="The O'Reilly Network: for developers who need in-depth technical content on open source and emerging technologies." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/xml/query/q/295?x-ver=1.0&id_subject=3" htmlUrl="http://www.onjava.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="O'Reilly Network Weblogs" description="O'Reilly Network's source for Java developer news and information. O'Reilly Network's ONJava site offers comprehensive and enterprise Java, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, EJB, JDBC, XML, JXTA and more java development information and resources including original feature articles, tutorials, java api map, news and commentary." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/xml/query/q/333?x-ver=1.0&id_subject=3" htmlUrl="http://weblogs.oreilly.com/" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future" description="A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology. Old Archive." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.jroller.com/rss/shareme" htmlUrl="http://jroller.com/page/shareme" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Technology & Business News, Project Management & Marketing comments, review and links by Christoph C. Cemper, Project Manager" description="" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://weblog.cemper.com/index.xml" htmlUrl="" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: EJB Design Forum" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-ejbdesign-rss2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: EJB Programming / Troubleshooting Forum" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-ejbprogramming-rss2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: J2EE Discussions Forum" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-generalj2ee-rss2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: J2EE Patterns Forum" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-j2eepatterns-rss2.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="TheServerSide.com: Your Enterprise Java Community" description="TheServerSide.com is a developer community, containing up-to-date news, discussions, patterns, resources, and media" type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-1.0.rdf" htmlUrl="http://www.theserverside.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Data Management News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,241,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Data Mining News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,588,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Data Warehouses News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,590,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />
<outline title="Computerworld Databases News" description="Computerworld.com connects the IT community with important news, business and technology information, as well as with their peers. The site complements and expands beyond the print edition of Computerworld with a continuous feed of technology news and analysis, as well as research and other services not available anywhere else." type="rss" xmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com/news/xml/0,5000,589,00.xml" htmlUrl="http://www.computerworld.com" getPeriod="0" getActive="Y" getAFilter="" />